Friday, June 8, 2012

Always feels good

Yup I had a feeling and that feeling, was for more CowBron.

He went off, 45 points, 5 assists, and 15 rebounds.

If you missed it here are the highlights

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Hi there d00des and d00detts. I know I have been leaving you in the cold, but to be honest I've been watching the NBA playoffs...

So here is the deal. People who are mad at LeBron James, you might as well wear hipster glasses, because its like a bad joke now. The guy is the best in the world, and sure he makes mistakes in life, sport, or whatever, but the truth is that he learns from those mistakes. The guy is the league's MVP, and he is in the Eastern Conference Finals sure he is down a game in the series, but tonight he plays probably the biggest game of his life.

ALL SHOULD WATCH TONIGHT. I mean I watched LeBron in one of the biggest games of his life, that was an ECF game against the Pistons in the '07 season, and LeBron had all the pressure on him and he went b-a-n-a-n-a-s. Even though a bigger game in his life was the ACTUAL NBA finals, I would never really blame his play for losses, reasons being is that he is always trying for the people he cares for. Honestly we should be mad at Dwyane Wade, because over his career he has dropped his Free Throw percentage in the playoffs, and he just doesn't have that same pull up three that he use to have, in contrast LeBron has just raised his whole game this entire post season.

On top of all THAT, most Basketball fans are against LeBron it seems, and he realy doesn't deserve it. I find it odd that his life is under this HUGE microscope and we watch every word he says and over exaggerate his meanings. For instance his whole "Not 1, Not 2, Not 3" speech, he was obviously brought from his excitement to not only be in MIAMI FLORIDA, but also to do the thing he loves (basketball) for a living with his best friends (Dwyane and Chris), that and I watched the video again, and he seemed led throughout that whole "Decision" deal because after learning a little from college, reporters tend to ask or lead an interview in the direction of their story (a good reporter anyways). It just seems like everyone took what he was displaying and manipulated it into anyway they wanted to critisize and destroy his whole persona of being a good guy, so he could fit what the NBA needed a "villain" (So basically I guess LeBron is Batman).

The reporter was all "LEBRON DO THE THING I TOLD YOU TO SAY" if you were caught up in the moment you'd have done the same thing too, sorry for LeBron only being human. That and his post Finals loss interviews where he was mad that he lost.....ya you get the point LeBron has humanity.

He's really a great human being, and he almost always tries to make an impression for the people. I think tonight we're going to see something people have been waiting to see from Bron-Bron. He's going to grow, and whether he wins or loses tonight I think we should take our foots off the gas a little, and move on, and appreciate the talent and honor to the game LeBron brings night in and night out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Ryan Tannehill affect

Okie doke folks, draft day is coming up...and there is this thing that is troubling me. This thing is Ryan Tannehill, first of all people are raising his stock because he is impressing scouts with combine stunts and drills. This is the whole thing, pros and TV personalities all say the same thing about Tebow being a "bad QB", which they may be right, but his athleticism is impressive none the less. I'm guessing NFL scouts must think he'll produce these epic moments of Tebow-ism considering the fact that Ryan's first position is athlete, not Quarterback.

What people don't get is once you hit the NFL, quarterback takes about forty steps up from college. Now some quarterbacks are anomalies and have the skills (Mike Vick, Cam Newton, Ben Roethlisberger) to produce at a higher level, but the ones who have the knowledge and only use college ball to improve this skilled position are the ones that find success in the NFL.

The other thing is people forget, that football is a team sport. The good teams are balanced in all aspects. For instance the New York Giants, they have great line play, a Manning at QB, good Wide Receiver, good Tight Ends, and a Balanced Running attack. Offensively they are amazingly balanced, then you look at the Defensive side of the ball and you highlight their strengths at Defensive line. Their one true weakness is the coverage in the backfield, but even then they still won the Super Bowl, and they have developing talent back there with Prince Amukamura. The thing is most of the good teams are balanced, and it seems to be coincidental that their QBs are good, or to put in better terms the QB position is balanced on that team.

So with this Tannehill kid people are acting like he's going to bring balance with the Dolphins, but the thing is they have Matt Moore, who was better than Jimmy Clausen (who was suppose to be good out of college). I mean are they going to develop him under Matt Moore and let him sit, or is he going to be a wide receiver? The whole thing is fishy and it seems like the Dolphins are wrecking what was set up for them by Bill Parcells, the philosophy of "Hawk the ball on Defense, and Run or confuse the other team on Offense".

I don't know what is going to happen for this guy's career, but all I can say is he is not from the SEC, his athletescism is his key attribute, and you didn't see Texas A&M dominating the BCS during the Tannehill era. If he somehow becomes starter in the middle of the season and proves me wrong by taking the Dolphins to a 10-6 record then I guess I'll be looking like a retard, but I'm more interested in Andrew Luck or RG3, or even Trent Richardson (because the Browns need a new RB and he has qualities I like).

Better luck next time Dolphins, but it was hard for your franchise to Lose for Luck. I guess there is always Matt Barkley in a year or so.

Monday, April 23, 2012

d00de of the Month: Derpdate

So we had one vote...for Sidney Crosby, but the Penguins lost their Playoff series. Uhhhh what should I do here? How about we sit through April and wait till May for a d00de nominations, you know let Baseball get going, NBA playoffs, ect. In the meantime I think I will get going on some NBA Playoff previews, or NFL draft coverage. Just be ready for some information to come from the mind of the Sports d00de!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kevin's Short reign, new Nominations d0tm!

I know there wasn't a lot of action for Kevin, but he slowed down a bit it seemed in March. So here are your April/May? Nominations for d00de of the Month.

Ichiro Suzuki
That's right the ideal of consistency in the MLB. Ichiro year in and year out puts in a solid job in left field, a batting average in the 300's, and great base running. This MLB season has already started too, and he is leading the league in hits already, just this Wednesday he had 4/5 hits and a game winning RBI in the 11th in his home nation of Japan. Even though he had an 0-4 at the plate today, his numbers will stay as they do, and who knows maybe he'd give us some web gems for d00de of the month highlights.
Pretty special, and a pretty good d00de to boot.

Anthony Davis
A Uni-brow, a number one seed, and a number one overall draft pick, these are things that Anthony Davis posses. Hey why not add d00de of the Month to that! Anyways this guy is a monster talent for the Kentucky Wildcats, he rebounds, blocks, scores, and runs Kentucky essentially. Without him on the court in this March Madness, the Wildcats have been pretty mundane. Not to mention people are already giving this guy player of the year nods, and saying NBA teams should probably already go and draft this guy, He might win the whole NCAA tourney so he deserves the nod.

Sidney Crosby
Hey Sid, hows the head? Oh just nabbin points, making goals happen, and being great. That's right it took a while, but Sidney Crosby has got the Penguins back to top shape, they now can Rival my Red Wings. But what is crazy is Sid is no longer the Kid, he's the captain, and he was also on the verge of having to quit hockey because of concussion issues. But, he has come back with vengeance and now wants to win another Cup of Stanley, he just might, and he might just win d00de of the Month too.

Brad Keselowski

Immense concentration, strong forearms, and the motivation to win in extreme conditions.....and people say NASCAR isn't a sport. Brad is one of the best young talents in the circuit. He has a twitter, and a story of driving with a broken leg (happened last year but still holds merit with me). He's already won at Bristol this season in the Sprint Cup, and he's up there in the standings, but I am predicting a good run for this guy, and what better way then giving him a d00de of the Month nod, for some extra horsepower.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

d00de of the Month update : Kevin keeps his groove...back?

Basically the deconstruction of the Blazers last night. Kevin had two sick jams (one off an oop, and the other just a steal and a jam). 25 points on the night from the d00de and his magic keeps on rolling. If he gets into a rhythm he will destroy you.

Be sure to check out the Thunder's upcoming game against the Heat in Miami on Wednesday April fourth. It is not only going to be the game of the year, but a true test of both clubs.

Possible MVP settlement. d00de or LeBron.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Kevin vs Kevin d00de prevails

It was a battle out there, and Kevin Love dropped 51 points. But then there's Kevin.....DURANT.

Sent it to double OT and then it became a battle of attrition. Thunder won 149-140. Yup Kevin had 40 points and 17 rebounds. He's now prepping to get into playoff form, last time I looked there are some days left in March, the d00de might be turning it up for us!