Friday, December 23, 2011

Ehhhh, Who needs Luck?

So the Colts won yesterday. This was good and all, and as a fan I guess I am happy.

But, there is this underlying thing, it's called Andrew Luck. I mean this guy is pretty much a guaranteed stud. I mean if you go down a check list of what you want in a QB he has a lot of stuff that'd benefit the Colts.

QB Checklist
-High IQ
-No Off field problems
-Arm Strength

So why is this a big deal the Colts are winning right. Well think about it, if you were going to get a raise in a job and you had to work the holidays would you. If you're happy with the job and the pay you get then you can stay with what you got (i.e. You have Peyton Manning, but you could have Peyton Manning teaching Andrew Luck), or you could work on the Holiday and make some more money.

Other teams that qualify for the number one overall pick in the next NFL draft are teams that, surprise, need a QB (except St. Louis, but even they could trade Sam Bradford and take Luck). Any team would be crazy if they passed on this guy, I mean he is a LeBron-esk player, the talent is all there.
This is essentially Tim Tebow leadership, intermingled with Peyton Manning. It's a little scary, because I though Cam Newton was a talented guy, but I thought he was going to be sub par and not get the numbers he's gotten and have off field problems...boy was I wrong.
Some people are starting to try and make us Colts fans second guess, you know mentioning names like Ryan Leaf and Jamarcus Russlle, but come on he has the talents and the brains to do the right things.

I am just going to give some advice to the Colts for their upcoming game against the Jags on New Years day.

1.) Start Peyton a Line Backer
2.) Start Curtis Painter at QB
3.) Add MJD to Jim Cadwell's Fantasy Team.

LOSE FOR LUCK, thank you.

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