Friday, January 6, 2012

d00de of the Month Nominees

Hey Calvin, it was a nice run and you brought your Lions to the Championship, but now it's time to pass the mantle.

Here are the Nominees

Andrew Shaw (NHL-Blackhawks)

NHL Rookie Andrew Shaw made his debut for the Blackhawks last night, but he isn't like the new era of Hockey. He has the flash and what us hockey fans like guts!

On his Debut he got his first goal, AND got into a good 'ol fashion fist fight. I'm a Wings fan, but this guy could be a good d00de.

Ty Lawson

Psssh, Chauncey who. NBA likes scoring and this d00de has speed and scoring. Ty Lawson has started the NBA season on fire shooting the ball at about .530 Field Goal percentage, and having 117 points on the season, BUT he's averaged it on about 32.1 minuets of play per game.

Fun to watch, Fun to cheer for and lets face it might as well root for the Nuggets, may be the best of the west this year.

Tim Tebow

Well, this wouldn't be a sports blog without him nowadays. I am a Tebow supporter to. I believe if he finds a win this weekend, then he might automatically get d00de of the Month.

This guys resume is huge! I mean he's lead the Broncos to the playoffs (even though his defense is pretty good and probably got them there), his leadership breaks boundaries, and he is a MEGA-Christian and good role model.

Drew Brees

He faces the Lions this weekend, but he is ready to tame them. Brees is a scary good QB and he may take the Super Bowl title this year.

On top of being my NFC pick (if they beat the Lions), he also broke Dan Marino's passing yard record on Monday night football.....I mean come on.

So vote, and we'll have a new d00de. This month may be short, due to over MEGATRON-ing it.

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