Friday, March 18, 2011

Next d00de of the Month

So, I need to get this boulder moving and activate the community. Basically I think I should toss nominees out there, and let you guys vote on them. I am going to take the highest voted d00de and put him up as the d00de of the month.

1.) Jimmer

Hey after watching his first round go good....maybe a fire can start.

2.) Kemba

Pending on Jimmer's success your vote may go for him

3.) Alex Ovechkin

The Caps being led by their cap are of coarse the hottest team in March.

4.) Tim Lincecum

Hottest Pitcher in Spring Training, and ready for another Cy Young....even in the same league as Doc Holliday :O.

5.) Tony Stewart

AND for my NASCAR fans, Tony he's gonna win a race, and why not in March!

So vote for your favorite, then I will post an article and updates on him post his performance in March! The voter will be in the widget column.

     Blake Griffin, Sports d00de's: d00de of the Month, is a yearly competition. Maybe next year :(

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