Sunday, October 30, 2011

d00de of the Month:October Final Update!

22/35 passing, 290 passing yards, 3 TDs. (Passing Stats)
6 Rushing Attempts, 53 Rushing Yards. (Rushing Stats)

A memorable d00de of the Month for sure Cam Newton is an amazing talent in the NFL and has given us d00des and d00dettes a very big highlight reel.

This week he faced the Minnesota Vikings he didn't win, witch is a bit of a shame because he had a great game as he usually does, but the Vikings actually did something they haven't done much of this season, come back in the second half.
Anyways a good game from Cam and a good month too.

Here are his week 8 highlights

He had bomb after bomb and Rushing around like backyard ball, Thank You Cam Newton for being d00de of the month October.

Monday, October 24, 2011


So, if you didn't know, I the Sports d00de am a Colts fan. Last night I watched in anticipation for Sunday Night Football to begin, it was going to be a rematch of Super Bowl XLIV and this time with the Colts coming off a couple of impressive looking losses (meaning they looked competitive and only a few plays away from possibly winning the game).

(Colts fans please turn you face away from your computer screen if you must, some of these images may be graphic.)

The Colts were routed by the Saints 62-7. I quickly pulled of my fan jersey, and went to bed. I remember watching some Detroit Lions games with my dad (a big Lions fan) I remember Jon Kitna being an okay quarterback, and knowing sooner or later they'll figure it out, now the Lions are an okay team at the least. But, the Colts are another story, they are a team that actually relies on one player, Peyton Manning, so much that they are basically trying to redefine their whole organization to something they aren't.

Plus, the organization that I thought drafted smart and correctly most of the time, apparently haven't. Sure most of the Colts roster are used to winning, but to give up like they did was just...unprofessional. I mean people were on the bench looking dumbfounded, hands on the hips, ect. I just can't believe They played competitively the past two games, then go to Louisiana and suddenly we are the worst team in the NFL.
Seriously the past two games the Colts looked like they were in it somewhat, against the Kansas City Chiefs they had a 24-14 lead going into the second half, and against the young Bengals they were down 3 going into the half. Sure they can't close a game out, but at least you can say they are trying but last night 34-7 going into the half is just plain wrong.
And this Curtis Painter Gem

On Sunday I had picked up the Saints defense for fantasy football just because I knew they were going to net me some points (49ers were on Bye) what was scary was the Colts got dominated in every facet of the game. I sat there thinking why is Curtis Painter not suited for this system, my only guess is he lacks the communication skills of Peyton Manning, and why the Colts didn't let him start over Kerry Collins I will never know. But, really I hope we can get the Luck kid, or in the least some quarterback we can build around...Peyton will come back, but for how long and how effective? The future is now.

BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS we get to play the Titans next week, who were also shellacked in their game against the Houston Texans 41-7. Here's hoping.

d00de of the Month Update

Whoa Whoa WHOA, Cam Newton giving us highlight reel after highlight reel.

So here is the stat line for Newton week 7 against the Washington Redskins:
18/23 Pass Completions per attempt, 256 Passing Yards, 1 Touchdown, and No Interceptions. Heck he also was second in rushing on his team with 10 Carries, 59 Rushing Yards, and 1 rushing touchdown.

If you're not buying Cam Newton d00de of the Month stock yet....then you have a problem.

Oh and here are his plays from his week 7 performance:
His 25 Yard Scamper

And his Rushing TD:

What these videos don't show is his chemistry with WR Steve Smith, Cam really is a good pocket passer to. BUT, nonetheless he's your d00de of the Month!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

d00de of the Month Update

In week 6 The Panthers played the Atlanta Falcons, Cam didn't exactly have the best of games throwing 3 interceptions, but he did have 237 passing yards, and a little gem here....

I like the Deion impression, considering Prime Time was being honored that day.

The Final score was 31 Falcons 17 Panthers....still looking for that second win Cam, but hey you got the talent d00de!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Concept!

Ok Ok so I have some down time this week and I came up with a new blog concept! I call it "What if".

So here is how it works I take a player, idea, coach, person, something in the sports world that is commonly known and "What if" it to another possibility of what could happen.

So let me give you my first "What if" as an example.
This is a popular one and would never really happen but,

"What if.....Eli Manning was never traded from San Diego to the New York Giants"

I mean in reality he (and his father Archie) demanded to not play in San Diego. But, let's say he wanted to play there (I mean who wouldn't want to ITS SAN DIEGO). The Chargers would have not gotten three of what use to be their main guys (Philip Rivers, Shawne Merriman, and Nate Kaeding)

The Charger's would have been very heavy on running and Ladainian Tomlinson would have had to run more (possibly slowing him down), it may have lead to an earlier end for Tomlinson and he may have never broke Shaun Alexander's single season rushing touchdown record. With only relying on the Run the Chargers would have been very one dimensional and not having Shawne Merriman their defense would have lacked the character it would have wanted, not making them take the number one seed as they were use to in the AFC West.

With the Number One seed up for grabs Peyton Manning, Eli Manning's brother, would not have to face a defense that gives him fits in the playoffs, aka the Chargers as they give him fits in the playoffs, possibly leading to more opportunities for big brother to win more than one championship. Cementing Peyton's greatness making him questionably the best ever to play the game. Also making Marvin Harrison's arrest a bigger deal than it was.

Also with no Eli Manning the New York Giants are not champions of Super Bowl XLII, the New England Patriots are and they are the first team to ever have an NFL "Perfect" Season.

With the Chargers being a whipping post for the NFL Eli Manning may becom trade bait and could have ended up with the Arizona Cardinals instead of Kurt Warner, making the drafting of former quarterback Matt Leinart not an option.
Making Leinart be drafted by someone else, lets say Leinart's state team the Oakland Raiders take him. Being that Leinart doesn't end up in Arizonia he continues his normal lifestyle, and with Al Davis on his tail to win he becomes a legit quarterback taking the Raiders to more playoff games then seen.
The NFL's team who had a lot of top draft picks then don't and are drafted by other teams. JaMarcus Russell could have ended up with the Cleveland Browns...making them....the same..."What if" huh....

And that Ladies and Gentlemen is a "What if", send me feedback.
-Sports d00de

d00de of the Month :October

So, let us sit back and hear the history of d00de of the month October, Cam Newton.

Long ago (2007) Urban Meyer (former Florida Gator's head coach) got a verbal commit of a 6'3" 205 pound quarterback to the Gators, who already had Tim Tebow..., that commit was Cam Newton.

Later in his stay in Gainesville (Home of the Gators) Cam got in some alleged trouble (Google Cam Newton laptop incident for further information) and then he dropped out of the University of Florida. He dropped out right before the Gators beat Oklahoma to win a national title.
Most normal human beings would fall back into trouble and probably give up on their dreams, but not Cam. Lucky for him his drive took him to Binn College in Brenham, Texas. He then went on to win NJCAA National Football Championship (2009), and began recruitment again for an FBS College.
His commitment choices were between Oklahoma (wouldn't that have been something), Mississippi State, and Auburn.

He Chose to commit to the Tigers of Auburn, and became a very big star in the College football scene. They eventually won the 2010 FBS Championship, but throughout the 2010 season another controversy came up, it was alleged that Newton's father took a bribe to have Cam play for Mississippi State's football team breaking NCAA rules. Newton's father (Cecile Newton) attended most of Cam's games and was a big support, but he began to be limited in family operations for Auburn football, he even missed when Cam was awarded the Heisman. But, Cam still remained strong and focused, honestly some of the games he played seemed larger than life, like Kobe Bryant still playing while going to court. There was just something about Cam.

After his collegiate career he then said he wanted to live his dream and play in the NFL, and claimed himself eligible for the draft. Lots of the experts in the draft claimed his immaturity and off field issues would make him a long time prospect. I even had my doubts after watching his "Gruden Camp" on ESPN. He seemed to have a low Quarterback IQ, his Wonderlic score was the bare minimum, and he just seemed young and immature. Though he was talented I had no idea what to make of him, I think none of us did. His off the field antics at the time seemed unprofessional and we were all caught up in what we thought of Cam Newton.

But he was the most talented and fit a need for the number one drafting team that year the Carolina Panthers. Due to a lock out in the NFL most people assumed that it would be a rough year for Cam and the Panthers no continuity, new staff, new players, AND a rookie quarterback....

When the season kicked off.....we all became dumbfounded.
CAM WENT OFF, to silence critics. Playing against the Arizona Cardinals Newton went 24-37 passing with 422 yards through the air, 2 touchdowns, .....with 1 INT. He also showcased his talent and athleticism with a rushing touchdown. In this game he also broke Peyton Manning's rookie opening day passing yards record.
He wasn't done the next game he played the SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS The Green Bay Packers, THE DEFENDING SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS, he topped his debut with a 432 passing yard day, with a passing and rushing touchdown.

He Finally got his first career win against the Jaguars in week 3. Then he had to play the Bears and he lost to Chicago. Just last week he lost to the Saints, but Cam isn't exactly taking it lightly, he enjoys winning even in his post game interviews he explains, he wants to win. But I mean in this video his demeanor seems disappointed, that surprised me too. I thought this was supposed to be a kid all about himself, but he is following the strides to be a great quarterback.

Even though they lost to a division rival, they didn't look out of the game. The Panther's kinda have a feel like the Buffalo Bills last year. A few clicks away from being a great team in the NFL. The problem is that Cam is playing out of his mind and they are still losing.

But with his story Cam Newton is a phenom, he has overcome a lot of flack, judgement, and has remained resilient the whole time. That is why he is this Month's d00de of the Month.

His next game is against Atlanta in Georgia. ANOTHER Divisional game, keep an eye out for him, because he may raise his chances to win Rookie of the year.