Monday, October 24, 2011

d00de of the Month Update

Whoa Whoa WHOA, Cam Newton giving us highlight reel after highlight reel.

So here is the stat line for Newton week 7 against the Washington Redskins:
18/23 Pass Completions per attempt, 256 Passing Yards, 1 Touchdown, and No Interceptions. Heck he also was second in rushing on his team with 10 Carries, 59 Rushing Yards, and 1 rushing touchdown.

If you're not buying Cam Newton d00de of the Month stock yet....then you have a problem.

Oh and here are his plays from his week 7 performance:
His 25 Yard Scamper

And his Rushing TD:

What these videos don't show is his chemistry with WR Steve Smith, Cam really is a good pocket passer to. BUT, nonetheless he's your d00de of the Month!

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