Monday, October 24, 2011


So, if you didn't know, I the Sports d00de am a Colts fan. Last night I watched in anticipation for Sunday Night Football to begin, it was going to be a rematch of Super Bowl XLIV and this time with the Colts coming off a couple of impressive looking losses (meaning they looked competitive and only a few plays away from possibly winning the game).

(Colts fans please turn you face away from your computer screen if you must, some of these images may be graphic.)

The Colts were routed by the Saints 62-7. I quickly pulled of my fan jersey, and went to bed. I remember watching some Detroit Lions games with my dad (a big Lions fan) I remember Jon Kitna being an okay quarterback, and knowing sooner or later they'll figure it out, now the Lions are an okay team at the least. But, the Colts are another story, they are a team that actually relies on one player, Peyton Manning, so much that they are basically trying to redefine their whole organization to something they aren't.

Plus, the organization that I thought drafted smart and correctly most of the time, apparently haven't. Sure most of the Colts roster are used to winning, but to give up like they did was just...unprofessional. I mean people were on the bench looking dumbfounded, hands on the hips, ect. I just can't believe They played competitively the past two games, then go to Louisiana and suddenly we are the worst team in the NFL.
Seriously the past two games the Colts looked like they were in it somewhat, against the Kansas City Chiefs they had a 24-14 lead going into the second half, and against the young Bengals they were down 3 going into the half. Sure they can't close a game out, but at least you can say they are trying but last night 34-7 going into the half is just plain wrong.
And this Curtis Painter Gem

On Sunday I had picked up the Saints defense for fantasy football just because I knew they were going to net me some points (49ers were on Bye) what was scary was the Colts got dominated in every facet of the game. I sat there thinking why is Curtis Painter not suited for this system, my only guess is he lacks the communication skills of Peyton Manning, and why the Colts didn't let him start over Kerry Collins I will never know. But, really I hope we can get the Luck kid, or in the least some quarterback we can build around...Peyton will come back, but for how long and how effective? The future is now.

BUT THERE IS GOOD NEWS we get to play the Titans next week, who were also shellacked in their game against the Houston Texans 41-7. Here's hoping.

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