Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Concept!

Ok Ok so I have some down time this week and I came up with a new blog concept! I call it "What if".

So here is how it works I take a player, idea, coach, person, something in the sports world that is commonly known and "What if" it to another possibility of what could happen.

So let me give you my first "What if" as an example.
This is a popular one and would never really happen but,

"What if.....Eli Manning was never traded from San Diego to the New York Giants"

I mean in reality he (and his father Archie) demanded to not play in San Diego. But, let's say he wanted to play there (I mean who wouldn't want to ITS SAN DIEGO). The Chargers would have not gotten three of what use to be their main guys (Philip Rivers, Shawne Merriman, and Nate Kaeding)

The Charger's would have been very heavy on running and Ladainian Tomlinson would have had to run more (possibly slowing him down), it may have lead to an earlier end for Tomlinson and he may have never broke Shaun Alexander's single season rushing touchdown record. With only relying on the Run the Chargers would have been very one dimensional and not having Shawne Merriman their defense would have lacked the character it would have wanted, not making them take the number one seed as they were use to in the AFC West.

With the Number One seed up for grabs Peyton Manning, Eli Manning's brother, would not have to face a defense that gives him fits in the playoffs, aka the Chargers as they give him fits in the playoffs, possibly leading to more opportunities for big brother to win more than one championship. Cementing Peyton's greatness making him questionably the best ever to play the game. Also making Marvin Harrison's arrest a bigger deal than it was.

Also with no Eli Manning the New York Giants are not champions of Super Bowl XLII, the New England Patriots are and they are the first team to ever have an NFL "Perfect" Season.

With the Chargers being a whipping post for the NFL Eli Manning may becom trade bait and could have ended up with the Arizona Cardinals instead of Kurt Warner, making the drafting of former quarterback Matt Leinart not an option.
Making Leinart be drafted by someone else, lets say Leinart's state team the Oakland Raiders take him. Being that Leinart doesn't end up in Arizonia he continues his normal lifestyle, and with Al Davis on his tail to win he becomes a legit quarterback taking the Raiders to more playoff games then seen.
The NFL's team who had a lot of top draft picks then don't and are drafted by other teams. JaMarcus Russell could have ended up with the Cleveland Browns...making them....the same..."What if" huh....

And that Ladies and Gentlemen is a "What if", send me feedback.
-Sports d00de

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